The site is approximately 3.1 acres and is located on the western edge of the village of Honeybourne.. The site sits directly adjacent to Bretforton Road and is relatively well defined by existing trees and hedgerows. There is existing residential development immediately to the East of the site. To the south, on the opposite side of Bretforton Road, is Honeybourne Sport and Recreation Field. To the North and West is open countryside.
The Site is less than 500m from the historic centre of the village and is well connected by existing footpaths. As the crow flies, Honeybourne train station is located approximately 1km to the north of this opportunity.
We are looking to bring this forward for residential development at a scale in keeping with the scale of Honeybourne
A planning application for 24 dwellings has been submitted to the LPA for consideration and is awaiting a decision. (Planning Reference: W/24/01690/FUL)